Homelessness pushes out to the Colorado foothills and Denver suburbs – CBS Colorado

Even with new construction, the Denver metro area is looking for solutions to a growing problem with homelessness. In some cases, people are leaving the city to find shelter.

In Denver, crime, drugs, and alcoholism among the homeless population are a worry due to several reasons:

  1. Safety Concerns: Increased crime rates within homeless communities can affect both the homeless individuals and the general public. Instances of theft, assault, and property damage may rise, impacting overall safety in the city.

  2. Public Health Issues: Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to a range of health problems, including addiction, mental health issues, and the spread of infectious diseases. Lack of access to healthcare and proper hygiene facilities further exacerbates these concerns.

  3. Social Instability: Homelessness often stems from various underlying issues, such as poverty, mental health challenges, and substance abuse. This cycle of instability can perpetuate itself, making it difficult for individuals to find stability and resources to overcome their circumstances.

  4. Strain on Resources: The strain on public resources increases as law enforcement, healthcare facilities, and social services respond to the needs of the homeless population. This can impact budgets and limit resources for other critical areas.

  5. Economic Impact: Crime and drug-related activities can deter potential investors, tourists, and businesses from the area, affecting the city’s economic growth and development.

Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach that involves providing affordable housing, access to mental health and addiction treatment, and social support services to help individuals reintegrate into society and break the cycle of homelessness.

Read the full article at: www.cbsnews.com

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